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I just joined Twitter...

And, of course, I couldn't resist... Here are some reports of sightings.

Just a little disclaimer: I don't know how true these reports are since I wasn't there and there's no pictures, so you believe if you want to!

Ahem. second david duchovny equinox spotting this am.
5:59 AM Mar 17th from txt

No twit in a few. I sat next to David Duchovny today- most lovely dinner- Done. Enough said, today was grand :-)
6:56 PM Mar 16th from web

@NewYorkology Any idea why David Duchovny is in town? Just passed him a few mins ago on 3rd Ave around 81st St....
7:49 AM Mar 16th from TweetDeck in reply to NewYorkology

I hate spin class more than a hooker hates the herp, but it seems quite tempting with david duchovny in there.
8:53 AM Mar 14th from txt

Another David Duchovny moment at the gym. The thrill hasn't worn.
8:16 AM Mar 10th from web

just walked by david duchovny and tea leoni on 3rd ave
8:09 AM Mar 7th from mobile web

star sighting David Duchovny & Tea Leoni on 5th Ave
8:44 AM Mar 7th from twitterrific

@a99kitten Duchovny used to come into my bookstore on my Thursday morning shift every week, buy one book, a New Yorker, a NY Times, and go.
6:00 PM Mar 1st from web in reply to a99kitten

Saw David Duchovny in Penn Station. Could not resist sharing that.
5:56 PM Mar 1st from web

Just saw david duchovney and tea leoni while walking to work
7:31 AM Feb 27th from TwitterBerry

just saw david duchovny crossing third ave on 9th street
3:59 PM Feb 26th from TinyTwitter

Undercurrent rocks. Sitting behind Tea Leoni @ the Will Ferrell show. LOLing. Box Seats, baby.
5:10 PM Feb 19th from mobile web

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